Event Details

The 6th session in the Digital Marketing 101 series:

These days, you are whoever GOOGLE says you are. If you don't tell the market what you are doing, or what you have done, they simply won't know. You need to 'own' page one of GOOGLE when people type in your name. If you don't, then you simply lack credibility in your clients' eyes, or worse they may not even believe you are all you claim to be.

Linkedin has taken ownership of the 'thought leadership' space and offers you an effective way to position yourself as a key person of influence in your industry.

Steve will show you how to use Linkedin to present yourself powerfully to your target network as a thought leader and opinion former.

In this workshop you will learn:

โ€ข What is thought leadership?

โ€ข What are the different types of thought leadership?

โ€ข Why you need to be an industry thought leader

โ€ข How you can become a thought leader

โ€ข How you can leverage the power of LinkedIn to present yourself powerfully to your target market

Who should attend?

โ€ข Time-Poor Senior executives

โ€ข Business owners

โ€ข Marketing Directors / Managers

โ€ข Salespeople

Speaker: Steve Bruce (SB Consulting)


  • Steve Bruce (SB Consulting)

    Steve Bruce

    SB Consulting


    Steve Bruce, Managing Director, SB Consulting Steve is a Hong Kong based Linkedin Coach/Trainer & Marketing Consultant. He has 30+ years’ international advertising agency, sales and marketing consultancy experience. He helps growing companies like yours who do not have your own marketing team to tell your story in a clear, powerful way that will excite & engage your target customers. His tagline is 'marketing that makes sense' and he has helped his clients to generate millions of dollars in revenue. He also helps Senior Executives, Business Owners & Corporate Teams to present themselves powerfully on Linkedin. The SB Consulting magic is that 30+ years of international marketing experience means that he can tell your story better, in much less time and more effectively than you can working by yourself. He has also personally generated over HKD1.8m in revenue from Linkedin.

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DutchCham member ticket

Cancellation request must be made at least 7 days before the event, otherwise no refund will be done. Note: the refund will be subjected to a 10% administration fee.

Member Price HKD 950
Spaces member ticket

- Only available for members of Spaces
- Cancellation request must be made at least 7 days before the event, otherwise no refund will be done. Note: the refund will be subjected to a 10% administration fee.

Standard Price HKD 950
Non-member ticket

Cancellation request must be made at least 7 days before the event, otherwise no refund will be done. Note: the refund will be subjected to a 10% administration fee.

Standard Price HKD 1,150


Spaces - Hong Kong

Sun House,
Des Voeux Road Central 181

Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong SAR (China)

If you have any questions please contact Rogier Van Veldhuizen

Contact Organizer

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