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A well-shaped story changes the chemistry of our brain; it primes us to feel connected, stay focused and feel empathy for the speaker, topic or brand. When used authentically in business, it can transform the way leaders connect with customers, employees and investors.

Research shows that companies with a strong story can generate up to four times more revenue than those without; employ happier and more productive people for longer, and have a higher share price. As Ben Horowitz once famously said, "A company without a story is usually a company without a strategy".

Why? Storytelling plays a crucial role in outlining the journey ahead – especially when taking people through change, and in defining culture and values. For leaders, storytelling is about connecting authentically with an audience – inviting them to share in their vision and values, to follow them on the bold journey ahead. An essential ingredient for using storytelling effectively is executive presence.

According to a study by the Center for Talent Innovation, 'top jobs elude women because they lack executive presence or underestimate its importance'. Does this imply that women are less effective storytellers? Could developing storytelling skills be a pathway to propelling women to 'top jobs'?

On May 20, we will dig deeper into the role that storytelling (can) play in leadership journeys and we will also explore differences in the way that it is used by male and female leaders.


58/F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR (China)

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