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Cybersecurity has become a hot-button issue as technological integration is pushed throughout all industries. How does cybersecurity impact your business?

The recent increase in remote working and working-from-home has impacted the cyber security position of many companies. What are particular risks or issues that arise in work-from-home arrangements? What steps should a business take to be prepared to respond to a cybersecurity incident or breach? And how to adequately protect your systems, network and programs from cyber attacks? That and much more will be discussed by our speakers.

Guest Speakers

  • Mr. Padraig Walsh, Partner at Tanner De Witt, will explain cybersecurity and data regulations in Hong Kong and what a lawyer's perspective is on cybersecurity compliance. What would a fully fledged cybersecurity compliance review involve? Is cyber-protection in Hong Kong good enough to make Hong Kong a good location to operate data-rich businesses or to locate data centre?
  • Ms. Andrea Lau, Executive Manager, and Mr. Arjen Vogel, Security Consultant from Security Research Labs will discuss the practical considerations of day-to-day security; amongst others the pros and cons of video conference tools, awareness on phishing attacks, as well as laptop security.
  • Ms. Allison Lapehn, Junior Consultant at 1421 Consultancy will discuss Data and Cybersecurity in general and zoom in on the standardization of cybersecurity and data practices throughout mainland China and the sharpened industry guidelines of compliance.


  • Mr. Jack O'Dwyer, Manager at 1421 Consultancy

Join this exciting webinar to find out how cybersecurity considerations will impact your business and how to create a cyber risk-aware organisation.



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